My name is Brian Curtin. There are a bunch of other Brian Curtins (Brians Curtin?) out there, but I am this one:
I live in Lakewood, Colorado, USA, which is right outside of Denver.
I’m a principal software engineer at Elastic, and used to work for Rackspace and Canonical.
I’m currently loosely involved in the Python community. I was PyCon‘s publicity coordinator from 2012–2015 after getting involved in the conference in 2009, served on the Python Software Foundation‘s Board of Directors from 2012–2015, and have been a CPython core developer since 2010.
I used to umpire NCAA Division I college baseball.
I like photography.
I am online in various ways:
Email: brian@python.org and brian.curtin@gmail.com are both me
Twitter: @brian_curtin
Instagram: @curtinbrian
LinkedIn: briancurtin1
If you’re looking for my signing key fingerprints, I have two of them to sign different things:
GitHub commits:
8429 B9CB 3B63 DBA3 2A43 765E E408 B1AB 7AF2 87C1
PyPI packages:
E628 66A3 5625 75D9 5B57 0AF5 8EB7 1A70 831B 56D1